We have now reached £116,000 out of our £150,000 target so a huge thank you to those of you who have generously donated! But we still urgently need a further £34,000+.
We have engaged a professional team consisting of a planning consultant, experts in both Landscape and Heritage and a Barrister. The two experts, supported by the planning consultant, have already prepared documentation and evidence to support our case but without the remaining funds we cannot cover the full cost of the Barrister we need to represent SBW at the examination.
Together we will Stop Botley West. Thank you.
Click the Donate button below to process via PayPal, or alternatively send directly via BACS. By sending via BACS, 100% of your donation will go to the Campaign (PayPal incurs a small processing fee).
Account Number: 85842745
Sort Code: 51-70-15
Finally, we have a SumUp payment account that you can choose to donate through too - follow the QR code below.
If you donate directly via bank transfer please send us an email so that we can thank you for your generosity. Our email is: contact@stopbotleywest.com
Thank you!
Use your camera to follow this QR code and donate to the Campaign via Sum Up.
Thank you.
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