Dornford Lane Walk 10 Oct 2024
Supporters of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) Oxfordshire and the Stop Botley
West (SBW) community group walked sections of Dornford Lane between Woodstock and the Bartons,
which would be surrounded with panels.
You can read a news article relating to the protest walk here.
Supporters and Walkers visit Churchill’s grave and Bladon’s footpaths
A gathering of local residents saw for themselves just how close the solar panels proposed for the area would be to the historic church of Bladon and Winston Churchill’s grave and how many footpaths in the area would be engulfed by panels.
Our photographer captured views from Bladon Church tower of supporters bearing placards and umbrellas in the churchyard and in the fields which would contain solar panels if the proposal were to go ahead. Many then went on to explore the network of footpaths nearby. The panels would start less than 200 metres in front of this group. The church tower can be seen
Stop Botley West were well represented at the Rally in Parliament Square on 18 April.
To coincide with a debate at Westminster Hall, supporters of SBW joined a rally in Parliament Square to protest against Large-Scale Solar Farms. Armed with placards and banners featuring our now familiar logo they joined supporters from other campaigns including Sunnica (Cambridge), Mallard’s Pass (Lincolnshire
Statutory Consultation ran from 30 Nov 2023 to 8 Feb 2024.
988 people attended one or more of the in-person events, questionnaires were distributed to 11,000 homes and handed out at the events and 1,400 responses were received. Hundreds of people also sent detailed feedback to PVDP and many sent copies to SBW. Together these responses provide evidence of the strength of feeling about the inadequ
Forever Fields Exhibition a triumph!
An estimated 1200 visitors attended the event. Some visited more than once but that only indicates how much there was to see and think about.
The organisers made their own film and ITV Meridian also visited the exhibition and interviewed organisers, artists and visitors. All the artwork was photographed to create a digital archive.
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